In the Classroom


Put it into practice.
We believe students can be true leaders now! Leadership isn't something that must wait for adulthood, which is why we have intentionally woven leadership opportunities into several parts of our school day and year. At MVC, we believe the best way to learn leadership is to put it into practice.
The pinnacle of our leadership program is one of Mingo Valley Christian’s best-loved traditions, the Citadel. This group is made of up of seniors (and occasionally juniors) who undergo a rigorous interview and application process to participate. Students of high character and strong leadership potential are selected to lead our Upper School students (6th-12th grades) through our “house system.” Before the school year begins, each Citadel leader is assigned a house made up of 6th-12th graders (male Citadel leaders lead all-male houses, and female Citadel leaders lead all-female houses). These houses meet every morning for prayer, student-led Bible study, and fun games, all while building a strong sense of community within each house.

In addition, Citadel leaders meet together for a full class period every day, where they receive leadership coaching, work on their house devotionals, and plan numerous large events throughout the year, including homecoming and service projects. In this class, leaders engage in deep discussion over compelling issues such as racial equity, Christian vs. secular worldview, withstanding peer pressure in college and beyond, and having a courageous faith.

Citadel Leaders plan the speakers and logistics for Worldview Day each spring. This is a day set aside to look outside ourselves, examine various worldviews, and see how they compare to God’s Word.

In smaller, but still very meaningful ways, our younger students have leadership opportunities as well. All our student organizations have officers, and they are not officers “in name only," they have real responsibilities to fulfill. In Lower School, our fifth graders are given the task of organizing Spirit Week for other Lower School students. The fifth graders also meet weekly with kindergarten “reading buddies” to encourage reading skills. Interested high school students (whose academic schedules allow) are given the opportunity to serve as teachers’ aides in the younger Lower School classrooms.
It is our desire that our Mingo Valley Christian students leave their years with us well practiced in the art of leading and well positioned to become world changers!
Faith  •  Knowledge  •  Character

Mingo Valley Christian